Volunteer Services

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"

John F. Kennedy

How YOU Can Make A Difference with Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center

Some of our voluteer opportunities include:

Board Of Directors- We are looking for dedicated Board Members. If you are interested we would love to meet and talk with you further about the possibility. Please email bchc04005@gmail.com for more information.

Volunteer Services- If you like to work with others and have a good time, this is a perfect opportunity for you. The Volunteer Services Coordinator could use an extra hand to help with our volunteers. Duties might include training, calling, recruiting, reports, and filling event staffing needs. If you are interested in assisting with Volunteer Services, please be sure to let us know.

Photographer Take pictures during events throughout the year. Also help us by capturing photos of the college and other venues and events that showcase the area and help with social media and other promotional needs.

Videographer- Same as above
Research help for Virtual Museum and special projects-

As needed for annual appeal planning, special project needs, raffle

Program development and assistance- 
Help with ideas, implementation and follow through

IT Assistance-
We are looking for someone proficient in Internet Technology to help us streamline our current programs, platforms, etc to help with consistency and to conserve space on our servers. 

Marketing and Advertising Help- 
Press coverage, database management, event marketing, blog, newsletter, social media

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization and without them, we would not exist. 

If you have time and talent to share, please keep us in mind.

Working together, we can accomplish anything. 

Find volunteer opportunities and read what’s involved in our volunteer handbook. 

Be sure to contact us or meet with our Volunteer Coordinator  if you have any specific questions or concerns. 

Join Us and Volunteer Here