Theodore (Ted) Truman was born in Biddeford in 1929. He is the son of immigrants who escaped the persecution of Greeks in their native Turkey.
His father came to Biddeford as a young man with his brother to work at the Pepperell. They eventually started a grocery store. With very humble beginnings and hard work on the part of the entire family, Throumoulos Market developed a niche in the greater Biddeford area. Ted, his three brothers and three sisters would go on to establish a number of successful businesses.
Ted has traveled the world as a chief engineer and Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy. He decided to return to the area and owned a number of businesses. At the age of 40, he married Norma Smaha. Together, they ran the Cascades restaurant in Saco until 1985.
He has a treasure trove of stories about his fascinating family, his culture and his life experiences.
Date of Interview: October 14, 2021
Location: Truman residence, Scarborough, Maine
Interviewer: Nicole Morin-Scribner
Transcriber: Nicole Morin-Scribner
- The history behind the ethnic cleansing of Greeks in Turkey. Family migration to Greece and Biddeford
- The evolution of his father and uncle’s milk delivery service to the highly regarded Throumoulos Market. Providing specialty services for prominent families.
- Ted’s involvement in the grocery business from a young age.
- Inter-connectedness of various ethnic groups and businesses
- Why his brother, Paul (well-known for Truman’s Driving School) was in Ripley’s Believe it or Not.
- His experience during WWII and Pearl Harbor attack
- Ted’s decision to pursue an education as a maritime engineer. Working on the Onassis and Isbrandsten international shipping lines followed by service in the Navy during the Korean War.
- History of the Cascades and growing the business.
- Supporting his brother Plato’s political aspirations
- Unique experience with Halley’s Comet while flying on the Concorde supersonic plane
- Stories: from the Andrea Doria to a Cuban monkey
- Name change from Throumoulopoulos to Throumoulos to Truman
Birthplace: Biddeford, Maine
Education: Biddeford High School
Maine Maritime Academy
Ethnic Identification: Greek American