Click on a year/month to see the archive of events from BCHC
Greater Biddeford – Saco Music Hall of Fame Ceremony Show
The greater Biddeford-Saco Music Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was held of May 5th, 2024 and a great success! With over 700 in attendance. the energy was palpable and inspiring.
This area has a long-standing history of diverse musical and artistic talent, from the early days of Painchaud’s Band, vaudeville, the Old Orchard Beach Pier featuring the likes of Rudy Vallee, to present day and music is such an important part of all cultures. Whenever people celebrate, get together for special occasions, or with family and friends, music, along with food, is a big part of it! This event brought it all to our attention by celebrating our roots and culture with the music we grew up with.
River Jam Fest 2024
BCHC Cultural Cuisine at River Jam Fest 2024 was a fun time! With good food, music, and many smiling faces all around, what more did we need?
Thank you to all who helped to make this possible, our great cooks, outstanding volunteers, and visitors and community. Without your involvement and continued support, this would not have been possible.
2024 Biddeford Hall of Fame
Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center was pleased to announce the newest Hall of Fame inductees with a special ceremony held at the Biddeford High School Little Theater on October 19th, 2024.
Congrats to our newest inductees, Tamsyn Bodwell, Alan Casavant, Holly Culloton, Lynn and Jim Godbout, and Michael Guignard!
Our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic was a great success and we are so happy to announce our newest Volunteer of the Year, Dr. Anastasia Weigle.
Volunteer of the Year receiving a special gift!
Anastasia is our archivist and head of the Archives/Collections of BCHC and is always there when we need her.
Although she is extremely busy as an Assistant Professor of Information and Library Sciences for the University of Maine Augusta, she gives tirelessly of her time, talents, and experience to help us to grow the archives and collections of the Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center.
Thank you Anastasia for all you do!
Got Sneakers?
Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center (BCHC) partnered with GotSneakers to collect used sneakers. The sneakers, if usable, will be sent to third world countries and repurposed. Those unable to be used, will be recycled, helping the environment.
La Kermesse turned 40 this year and the Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center is proud to have been a part of this special year celebration!
We were happy to host the BCHC Cultural Cuisine under the big tent from 1-3pm on Saturday, June 24th, and the rain couldn’t hold us back!
The free cuisine event was a BIG success and John Nelson’s dish of Arancini Balls was voted the favorite this year
In recognition of Native American Month, BCHC is proud to be hosting several presentations by well known Native American storyteller, historian, educator, and craftsperson, Anne Jennison, with a focus on Wabanaki Storytelling.
BCHC Was a Hit at La Kermesse!
Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center is proud to have been part of the La Kermesse festivities this year, post COVID, and was fortunate to host a cultural and heritage tent over the weekend. Despite the very hot weather, it was well attended!
Each day featured a little something special. The tent hosted special displays by the Lyman Historical Center, the Franco-American Genealogical Society of York County, Friends of Wood Island Light House, Engine and the Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center. Festivities included a special reception on Friday evening for the dignitaries from Quebec. Saturday featured a special Cultural Tasting Event and we were fortunate to have Dr. Norman Beaupre there on Sunday for a special book signing event. Thank you to all who helped us by participating in this weekend and all those who visited our tent! It was very much appreciated!
General Lafayette is Back in Town!
Thursday, August 18th, there will be a special event to celebrate the Lafayette Trail Marker being placed at the former Seth Springs Tavern, now known as Deering Lumber.
The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 2 pm at Deering Lumber 14 Elm Street, Biddeford, ME.
We hope you can join us for this special event marking the first of several trail markers to be placed in Maine commemorating the visit of General Lafayette of France, who was instrumental to the American cause during the American Revolution.
Engaging Our Youth and Learning About Light Houses
Author and historian, Richard Parsons, a member of Friends of Wood Island Light House will offer a special presentation to the youth of the community and homeschoolers when he talks about the lighthouses of Maine and Wood Island Light House in particular.
The presentation will take place on August 25th at 10 am at the J.Richard Martin Community Center and is free to all who wish to attend.
Wood Island Lighthouse by Richard Parsons
Volunteer Appreciation Day September 11, 2022
Our Volunteers are the best!
Join us for our annual appreciation day on Sunday, September 11th from 1-4 pm at 20 Buzzell Road Biddeford, ME.
5th Annual Hall of Fame September 24, 2022
On Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 12 noon, BCHC will hold its 5th annual Hall of Fame Ceremony in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Join us as we celebrate those who have made a significant impact on our community or the world at large.
BCHC Open House
October 1, 2022
Please join us for our second annual Open House on Saturday, October 1st from 1-3 pm. The event will be held at the J.Richard Martin Community Center at 189 Alfred Street, Biddeford in the La Kermesse Rooms on the second floor.
Come and see what Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center is all about and our plans for the future.
Cultural Cuisine Program
Through Oct 31
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Over the last 2 years we have had over a dozen newcomers to Biddeford share their favorite foods at our local events and via the You Tube BCHC Cultural Cuisine cooking presentations. It has been a huge hit! These funds will help us continue to showcase Biddeford’s diverse cultures and give these chefs the confidence to shine.
Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center was one of 25 non-profits to advance to the voting phase of Town & Country Federal Credit Union’s 2022 Better Neighbor Fund charitable giving campaign.
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Downtown Holiday Festival
December 2, 2022
Join us for Holiday Fest at City Square in downtown Biddeford, on Adams Street as we share ” Cookies from Around the World.” The event will take place from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Wreaths Across America in Biddeford
December 17, 2022
Please join BCHC at St. Joseph’s Cemetery at 9 am as they gather to place wreaths for Wreaths Across America Day to Remember, Honor and Teach about the sacrifices made by Veterans and their families. Any help will be greatly appreciated. For more Information on the history and mission of the program please click