“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”
Winston Churchill

The First Parish Meeting House
The people of Biddeford voted to build the First Parish Meeting House in 1752 on the land of Matthew Patten. It was built on the corner or Pool Road and near the Guinea Road. It was completed in 1759.
The original First Parish Meeting House of Biddeford was a two story,colonial structure with a steeple. It was bigger than the current building. The church was remodeled in 1840 at which time it was made smaller.
For quite some time, it was the only church in the town and the town was mandated to support it and to also provide a minister. A 1754 town record says a committee was appointed ” for to look after and gitt a Gentleman for to Preach.”
Elections were also held there at times. Biddeford’s First Parish Meeting House is now owned by the Biddeford Historical Society and is on the National Register of Historic Places.