Elizabeth “Bette” Spiliopoulos was born in Biddeford in 1921 of Greek immigrant parents.  

She shares her crystal clear recollections of Biddeford, when many residents were first and second generation immigrants.  Her family has owned several eating establishments through the years including Alex Pizza, which was started by her brother and continues to be operated by his nephew, Andy Mantis.

Bette married Harry Spiliopoulos in 1946 and moved to Massachusetts.  She stayed closely connected to her Biddeford roots and they eventually returned, along with their son.

Bette has enjoyed international travel,, continues to be very active and always considers Biddeford home.  She has seen our community go through many transformations in her lifetime and is excited to see all the positive changes taking place currently.  “I read an article in the Boston paper that said it was the coming city of New England.”  




Date of Interview: February 4, 2020

Location:  Spiliopoulis residence, Biddeford

Interviewer: Nicole Morin-Scribner

Transcriber: Nicole Morin-Scribner


  • 1920’s-1940’s
  • Stories from her parents’ experiences making the transition from Greece to Maine
  • Similarities, differences and integration of different cultural backgrounds 
  • First hand account of what life was like during the days of the Depression, radio shows, ice boxes, World War II and Mayor “Papa” Lausier.
  • Meeting her future husband while he was stationed at the army base in Saco and lifelong impact of his being sent overseas to serve with General Patton in World War II
  • Dancing to big bands on the pier in Old Orchard and what she really thought of Frank Sinatra when he performed there.
  • The story behind Biddeford’s iconic “Alex Pizza”, her brother’s business.


Birthplace:  Biddeford, Maine 

Education:   Biddeford High School

Ethnic Identification:  Greek-American